Friday, December 4, 2020

Will you share this video?

Will Biden use this moment to make history?

Dear MoveOn member,

President-elect Biden needs a bold, ambitious agenda to meet the deep challenges of our time, and he'll need a strong, progressive, grassroots movement at his back to get it done. That's where we come in. It's time for us to demonstrate why bold, transformative policies are needed and to get the folks we elected to think big.

That was my argument in an op-ed in The Hill, a Capitol Hill publication, on the day that Congress returned from Thanksgiving recess this week. In it, I wrote this:

President Biden will need to do more than merely ask Congress to put forth a legislative agenda that addresses the crises currently devastating the nation. He will need to be prepared to deliver that agenda on his own, through executive action. Importantly, he will have both the mandate and the power to do so.

And bold solutions are not only urgently needed by Americans in dire straits, but they are smart politics. Solutions to the pandemic, expanded access to health care, clean-energy jobs, criminal justice reform, and other progressive approaches to governance don't just help people, they're also wildly popular. They are what the voters are demanding.

To ensure our message is heard loud and clear, MoveOn is also running a TV ad in the Washington, D.C., area this week, pushing President-elect Biden to go big. As Politico Playbook reported, this is part of a broader effort to urge the new administration to rise to the level to meet these historic crises. You can watch and share the video below:

Biden/Harris mandate ad


Right now, we're aiming these important messages directly to folks in D.C. because Biden's advisers—many of whom live and work in D.C. and listen to Washington's conventional wisdom—are considering what kind of administration he'll have, how transformative he'll seek to be, and what risks he can take.

MoveOn is made up of millions of progressives from all across the country. No matter where we live, we need to influence that conventional wisdom to demonstrate that all across the country, the voters who cast their ballot for him—as well as those Americans who didn't—are facing enormous challenges that require far more than business as usual.

Together, we can achieve big things, and we can't go back to the pre-Trump status quo. America has never worked for all of us, so this is our chance to rebuild by building power for the people instead of corporations and the wealthy. 

Share this video on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to influence the national conversation and show that you're ready for transformational change. 

Thanks for all you do.

–Rahna, Seth, Pulin, Robert, and the rest of the team

P.S. You can read my full op-ed in the Hill here.

Want to support MoveOn's work? Together, our diverse and vibrant coalition elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. We have an opportunity to make progress, but only if we give it our all to call for bold progressive legislation to expand health care, solve the climate crisis, address systemic racism, and more. Will you chip in now to power our work?

Yes, I'll chip in $5 a month.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This email was sent to Mar Alfaro on December 4, 2020. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. MoveOn's privacy policy was recently updated. To read our new privacy policy, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

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