Dear fellow MoveOn member,
My name is Matthew, and I'm a teacher who believes that mass shootings should not be part of the nightly news like the weather, yet they are. There have been way too many, including several in the past two months alone.
We aren't safe in our grocery stores, salons, movie theaters, at concerts, at work, in our places of worship, or even in our schools. Shooters have targeted people of color, religious minorities, the LGBTQIA community, women, and children. Students and teachers should not have to worry about being murdered at school, yet we do, every day. People should be able to worship in safety.
Hundreds of people have died this year alone, and it's only May.1 I have family that attend synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA, near to where the tragedy at the Tree of Life Synagogue took place. Now, I worry they could be attacked while going to service. I've visited Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC, and the memorial at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, FL. These places are now forever marred by tragedy that could have been prevented.
Survivors and families are forever traumatized and altered. It is simply too easy to purchase firearms. We owe it to the survivors and the families of the slain to take action now. Honor their deaths and please tell Congress to pass these bills to make us all safer.
–Matthew Witten
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