Time to thank Sen. Gillibrand. Can you call her right now? Here's what you can say: "Thank you for standing with President Obama by opposing the Menendez-Kirk legislation. Any new sanctions would violate the interim nuclear deal, push Iran away from the negotiating table, and could put our nation on the path to war with Iran." Here's where to call: Senator Kirsten Gillibrand |
Everyone who's been fighting for a diplomatic approach to resolving our nation's long-term stand-off with Iran over its nuclear program just got a big reason to celebrate.
We just got news that Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has spoken out in favor of letting diplomacy with Iran take its course.
Sen. Gillibrand said that she wasn't interested in disrupting negotiations with Iran by rushing a vote on the Menendez-Kirk legislation—legislation which amounts to a renewed push for anti-diplomacy sanctions which MoveOn members fought and helped prevent last year.1
This is great news! MoveOn members have been making calls to Sen. Gillibrand asking her to stand with President Obama and let diplomacy with Iran work.
And she listened. Sen. Gillibrand's standing with President Obama. Now it's our time to stand with her. Can you call to thank her right now?
Here's where to call:
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
Phone: (202) 224-4451
"Thank you for standing with President Obama by opposing the Menendez-Kirk legislation. Any new sanctions would violate the interim nuclear deal, push Iran away from the negotiating table, and could put our nation on the path to war with Iran."
Then, please report your call by clicking here:
Every single call is important. We need to thank Democrats like Sen. Gillibrand when they stand up for principles like letting diplomacy work.Thanks for all you do.
–Jo, Anna, Manny, Alejandro, and the rest of the team
P.S. In case you missed it, please check out Iran: Will Senate Democrats stand for diplomacy—or with Republican war hawks?, an op-ed published in The Hill by MoveOn's executive director Anna Galland and Becky Bond, CREDO Action's vice president and director of political action.
Source: 1. "Senate Democrats Back Off Iran Sanctions Vote," The Huffington Post, January 30, 2015
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This email was sent to eddie alfaro on January 23, 2015. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

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